We have 3D light glasses to make this year’s Halloween a boOoOo-tiful and terror-ific experience! Take your haunted house’s thrills and chills to the next level with our eye-popping RainbowDepth™ Color Shift 3D Glasses. These spook-tacular spectacles allow you to really get creative with your Hallow’s Eve decorating. Create a magical, multidimensional dreamland…or a spine-tingling nightmareland, if you prefer!
Shifting Colors Creates Uncanny Visual Effects
RainbowDepth™ Color Shift 3D Glasses transform reality in real time by shifting colors in the spectrum. Red is pulled closer to the viewer while deep blue is pushed to the background. This results in a stark contrasting effect that causes a dynamic sense of 3D that you can only get from our light show glasses. Bring your most ghostly, ghastly, and ghoulish apparitions to life!
Trick and Treat the Eyes

You can use our RainbowDepth™ Color Shift 3D Glasses to give natural scenery a pop of 3D, but catering your decorations specifically to the glasses is the skeleton key that unlocks their extraordinary potential—your guests will shiver and quiver with delight and fright!
Experiment with fluorescent black light paints. Decorate with glow-in-the-dark stickers. Make your own original art with sidewalk chalk, markers, and crayons. Print designs and images that are coded with the RainbowDepth™ method. Play video footage on TVs or projectors. Watch in awe as your laser and light shows become an otherworldly encounter.
You don’t need to revamp your entire haunted house to use our light show glasses, but we highly recommend unleashing their magic to the fullest! Even if you keep your haunted house or Halloween decor the same as last year, simply handing out Halloween 3D glasses will add an enchanting touch to the occasion.
Customize RainbowDepth™ Glasses for Your Event

Halloween only comes around once a year, so make it count with unforgettable promotional items with your branding. Whether you host a haunted house, operate a spooky hayride, or light up a pumpkin patch, customized RainbowDepth™ Color Shift 3D Glasses will give your event a professional polish that’ll keep guests coming back year after year.
We can make light show glasses with your original design, or our graphics experts can help out. Check out some of the glasses we’ve made for our clients if you need some inspiration. We’re known for our rapid turnaround times and quality, so don’t hesitate to get your order in before the Halloween season strikes!
Discover More Electrifying Thrills
Our 3D Glasses and Fireworks Glasses are renowned for their quality and performance— it’s no surprise that they’re used by major brands all over the world. If you’re trying to find a way to elevate your Halloween presentation to new heights, this is it!
RainbowDepth™ light show glasses are guaranteed to give goosebumps and get guests gasping with glee, so don’t be surprised when the word travels fast and your haunted house has a line out the door! From magnificent dance parties to maleficent seance rituals, a bonafide bone-chilling bonanza awaits. No sorcery, spells, or hocus pocus of any kind necessary—order Halloween 3D light glasses at Rainbow Symphony today!